Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Death Comes Again, And Again

Good Morning!! Earlier yesterday evening, I suffered another unbelievably painful lost...my very first cousin, my first best friend, and my number one fan,...Eva Louise Prater, passed. Only six months younger than me, she died from heart-failure,...aided by a series of other ailments. And once again, I thought of my loss, the void now created in my life,...one less person I have to comfort and support me. I've dealt with the death of loved ones before,....the things you wished you had done more or better,...the realization of things you'll never be able to do again. When faced with death, we run through a lot of emotions,...guilt, regret, anger, self-pity, fear, despair and hopelessness,...but for some reason, self-pity, is the one we seem to do to first,...and stay on the longest.

Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them."—Revelation 14:13 (NIV)

While self-pity is a natural emotion, we must not become absorbed in it, if allowed to go unchecked, it can be extremely destructive to us, as well as those close to us. If we can remain focused, on first seeking, and then accepting God's will, even the most painful experiences can pass through our lives without stealing our peace and our joy, for any real period of time. I prayed for, and wanted healing, even if it wasn't God's will,...but I'm not broken because it did not come,...I choose to go on believing; God is still God, and He is always in control. It hurts! But I will continue to do, as I have been taught,...I will Pray, and Trust God!

Losing one's self, in self-pity can stir up jealousy, envy, and even strife,...things which only blind us further to God's will.

Remember no matter what you are going through, or have yet to go through..."God is a safe dwelling place, in any and all, of life's storms."

"Asking for God's blessing in our lives, should mean more of Him,...not just more stuff."

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